Category Archives: Art Blog English

Masterful Minds – and I’m among them!

“Your art has been published in Masterful Minds Magazine #2” was the subject of a wonderful email I received these days. But how did that happen? A while ago a curator of Circle Foundation for the Arts (CFA) discovered my … Continue reading

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With Expo Metro around the world – how I joined an art movement

After a few years break from any kind of participation in art shows and exhibition projects, something wonderful came up and things have become a bit wild on my end recently: Last December I took part in the huge collective … Continue reading

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Rage drawings out of the PredniZone – a therapeutic art project in more than one way

I spent the last month mainly with rage-drawing myself through a tough time. Those drawings were not made with my usual neatly adjusted ground sketches, they just evolved intuitively releasing an entire storm front of emotional mind rage. A series … Continue reading

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‘Wecke Rockt’ – a special portrait of a special radio moderator and his shows

During the past weeks I was busy working on the ‘Wecke Rockt’ trying to capture the essence of the one-of-a-kind radio moderator Wecke with his two live show types “Wecke Rockt” [Wecke Rocks] and “Weckes Wecker” [freely translated: Wecke’s WakeUp … Continue reading

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‘Thesis/Antithesis’ – an art collaboration

I had the pleasure to create a synergetic artwork for a highly special ambient music album, while deep diving into the sounds of the very same. The music somehow is directly connecting to my neuronal network, grounding and calming, inviting … Continue reading

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#TinfoilHatFashion #AluHutModen – an invitation to design

[Deutsche Version befindet hier] Recently, whenever I look into German and international Western news, even everywhere on social media, one topic is more and more present: the so-called ‘tinfoil hats’ and their weird conspiracy theories. Though I’m not sure why … Continue reading

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Home quarantine – Tips from someone with experience

The biggest challenge in being stuck at home is how to cope mentally with the situation. Due to chronic health issues and a suppressed immune system, ‘home quarantine’ similar episodes are very common to me, often lasting weeks to months, … Continue reading

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When an artist, an engineer and a cat need a new couch…

How to get a cat proof, rheumatic friendly couch with a seat height suitable for long legged people? A couch, which does not turn saggy and worn after just a few years of use, ending far too quickly as bulky … Continue reading

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…I wanted to burn all my artworks…

Reflections of my debut solo One year ago from today, on November 6, 2017, my debut solo opened, and still I haven’t written anything about it in my blog. I was simply too burned out afterwards. Now – one year … Continue reading

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Between Success and Overload – an exhibition summary

Nearly three weeks ran our ‘Inspired by the UAE – German Artists in Abu Dhabi’ art exhibition under the patronage of the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany, hosted by Etihad Modern Art Gallery. It was a big success … Continue reading

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